I'm so tired...i think I'm going to fall asleep on my laptop...and I mean on top of it...I'll update later.
edit: I ended up passing out ten seconds after writing that earlier portion.
I'm really tired cuz yesterday was just crazy...went to visit Randi up in Groton, then drove to Burlington, went to the mall, then drove into Boston by freaking accident and got stuck in rush hour traffic. Let me tell you, that sucked for me. Then we went and picked up all of Randi's stuff from this girl Samantha, who wasn't really nice...then we came home, watched Varsity Blues after some titilating reality shows. And then I slept over...literally slept. It was nice, I liked NOT having to drive home 2 hours at 9:30. I woke up pretty tired, but that's totally besides the point. I had a great time, that IS the point. Anyway, I'm going to go talk to some people and see if I can find a way out of the house tonight, otherwise, it's Red Sox-Yankees for me (GO SOX).

edit: I ended up passing out ten seconds after writing that earlier portion.
I'm really tired cuz yesterday was just crazy...went to visit Randi up in Groton, then drove to Burlington, went to the mall, then drove into Boston by freaking accident and got stuck in rush hour traffic. Let me tell you, that sucked for me. Then we went and picked up all of Randi's stuff from this girl Samantha, who wasn't really nice...then we came home, watched Varsity Blues after some titilating reality shows. And then I slept over...literally slept. It was nice, I liked NOT having to drive home 2 hours at 9:30. I woke up pretty tired, but that's totally besides the point. I had a great time, that IS the point. Anyway, I'm going to go talk to some people and see if I can find a way out of the house tonight, otherwise, it's Red Sox-Yankees for me (GO SOX).


Its been awhile. But thanks for the comment on our set!