So at this point, I'm sure most of you know that I'm somewhat of an online whore. I meet a lot of girls from online and with not so good results for the most part. Well, I'm finally taking a step towards stopping that, which means I'll probably be talking to all you SGers a lil bit more (ironic, isn't it?)...You see, I've been on this website for god knows how long, The dilly, and I've met a lot of people from it and I go and get rated and have people tell me how hot I am, etc etc. It's total BS and involves TONS of unneccesary drama, but I've kept with it. Well finally, today, I sorta snapped. Well, not exactly me...a girl I like looked at all the comments that I left next to other people's names and got very upset, didn't feel special, and to show her that she really meant something to me (which I think she does, I'm not even sure)...I deleted my account. It's gone, no more dilly life and dilly drama for me. The only online people I plan on hanging out with are those I've either already met or have been talking to at this, the point where I disconnected myself. I'm going to miss some of the people that I talked to on that site, but I think it's better for me to try and find some way to meet girls without the help of the internet.
You girls, of course, are also not included in my "Andrew doesn't meet online girls anymore" because I love all my SG girls, even the ones who hate me.

You girls, of course, are also not included in my "Andrew doesn't meet online girls anymore" because I love all my SG girls, even the ones who hate me.

I vote with for an update.....big enough so I can save it as wallpaper
. Uhmmmm....I have never regretted my pierciengs.....fair warning...they HURT like a MOTHER....but I hope you take pic of them when you do get them done. HAve a super duper weekend! CIAO!
