Alright...update time! Hmm...what to say, what to say...last night was pretty chill, I went over to Jess's apartment pretty much to visit April. We ended up just lounging around and watching Saving Silverman on Comedy Central...funny movie. It was chill, except that Corey, Jess's boyfriend, is a total antisocial freak. He sat there while April was attacking me and Jess and was just sitting in his chair playing with his butterfly knife and a soda bottle...he's a fuhreak. I had a great time,cept for the fact that April and Jess both get this HUGE kick out of making me blush
They thought it was so funny to sit there and talk about April riding me just to see me blush
And I also have some pretty harsh bitemarks to prove that this all did happen. April needs to find someone else to bite damnit...she bites hard
I have some new pics to upload, I'm counting on all of you to remind me

I have some new pics to upload, I'm counting on all of you to remind me

dont forget to put up the pics