So obviously somebody hates me. And when I say hate, I'm not exaggerating here. Some fucker from the other website I'm on, went out of his way to IM me on YAHOO (I'm usually never on yahoo to begin with) and tell me how pathetic I am. This may sound immature, but listen to his logic here:
He sees that I comment and compliment every single girl that I see in the state of CT on the site. He's like "it's pathetic how you're trying to get with every girl on this site"...too bad I'm really complimenting every girl cuz one: I think that everyone needs a compliment once in a while and two: I enjoy receiving compliments (as fake as they may be) in return. Yes, I do have MAJOR self esteem issues. Yes, this is NOT the best way to resolve them. But this is NOT the concern of some random fucker who won't even admit to me who he is. I have a good idea, and I pretty much accused him of being one specific guy, but I can't be sure. Until I'm sure, I dont' know what I'm going to do. I don't like people hating me, and I hate people judging me.
I have a feeling this has something, somehow to do with April. Guys act crazy because of her, myself included. Did some guy go to her page and realize that I'm important to her? that I write a ton of comments on her page and the pages of her friends/admirers? I want whoever this asshole is to just admit that it's him. I don't care if he ever apologizes or speaks to me again, I just am enfuriated that someone would call me pathetic.
Apparently he didn't take the time to read the lil "hey, I'm thinking about killing myself" blurb...because if he did, wouldn't you think that would weigh on any NORMAL person's consciense? I make a point to be nice to everyone I meet. I make even more of a point to reach out to people that I feel might be in need, especially depressed people like myself. God, this is not how I was hoping my first day on the new pill would be. Why the fuck didn't I just go to school?
I hate this shit.
He sees that I comment and compliment every single girl that I see in the state of CT on the site. He's like "it's pathetic how you're trying to get with every girl on this site"...too bad I'm really complimenting every girl cuz one: I think that everyone needs a compliment once in a while and two: I enjoy receiving compliments (as fake as they may be) in return. Yes, I do have MAJOR self esteem issues. Yes, this is NOT the best way to resolve them. But this is NOT the concern of some random fucker who won't even admit to me who he is. I have a good idea, and I pretty much accused him of being one specific guy, but I can't be sure. Until I'm sure, I dont' know what I'm going to do. I don't like people hating me, and I hate people judging me.
I have a feeling this has something, somehow to do with April. Guys act crazy because of her, myself included. Did some guy go to her page and realize that I'm important to her? that I write a ton of comments on her page and the pages of her friends/admirers? I want whoever this asshole is to just admit that it's him. I don't care if he ever apologizes or speaks to me again, I just am enfuriated that someone would call me pathetic.
Apparently he didn't take the time to read the lil "hey, I'm thinking about killing myself" blurb...because if he did, wouldn't you think that would weigh on any NORMAL person's consciense? I make a point to be nice to everyone I meet. I make even more of a point to reach out to people that I feel might be in need, especially depressed people like myself. God, this is not how I was hoping my first day on the new pill would be. Why the fuck didn't I just go to school?
I hate this shit.
wow...that sounds intense. I would just blow that fucker off! I know...easier said than done...but what a loser that he has actually taken the time out to investigate who you have been writing to. Don't stress out too will drive you crazy. Try to ignore him. Hope all else is well. I'm sending lots of hugs your way cause you need them.

People can be stupid. please dont let it bring you down. you seem like a nice guy. you have to remember that you cant always please everyone. hope your day gets better. good luck with everything. if you ever need a person to talk to feel free to ask me. instead of thinking of all the bad things in your life try to focus on the positive. good luck cuttie