Okay...so here's the deal...I need to meet girls at school that don't have boyfriends. This girl Sarah from philosophy is...real cool...really flirty and really up front with me. Yesterday she like waited for me after class and we walked to the parking lot together, but then I saw my boy Chris and I started talking with him. Anyway, she's like prolly twenty feet away and I'm still talking to chris and she's like "Wait! Do you have AIM or anything?" so I gave her my name and she IMed me today and we talked. She's cool as hell...said she'd invite me to a party over the summer if she has any, but that Bill might be intimidating. Of course I asked..."Who's bill?" And of course, it's her 6'6" boyfriend...this girl is a petite 5'4", so that was amusing in itself
But ya...not so sure I want to deal with a huge kid from Central...meh...she's still really cute, really cool and really flirty...we'll see 

then get in there and tap that ass...