Dur...I'm back from Canada...
First off...Canadian people rock. I met a ton of cool Canadian people, along with some interesting kids from Ohio/Pennsylvania/New York. I spent way too much money, mostly on AJ's liquor, but hey, it was his 20th b-day. I also spent like...45 Canadian for my ear...
And yes, that's right, the lil preppy boy is finally pierced. Can you all leave me alone about that now??
I got an industrial in my left ear, but right now it's just two hoops for like a month and a half, then I'm gonna get the barbell put in...the dude that pierced me and AJ was awesome, he even gave us a ride back to our hotel cuz it was fucking WINDY.
Anyway, I should go...hopefully chillin with some friends of AJ's tonight, maybe Meaghan
And Jean...if you get this...callllllll me. I'll be here a couple days more!
Edit: Attempt at pictures...
Instead of trying to hotlink them, I'm just going to send the link of the entire site that my friend has 'em loaded on...
Canadian partying
#14 is the shot of my ear RIGHT afterwards. Enjoy.
First off...Canadian people rock. I met a ton of cool Canadian people, along with some interesting kids from Ohio/Pennsylvania/New York. I spent way too much money, mostly on AJ's liquor, but hey, it was his 20th b-day. I also spent like...45 Canadian for my ear...
And yes, that's right, the lil preppy boy is finally pierced. Can you all leave me alone about that now??
I got an industrial in my left ear, but right now it's just two hoops for like a month and a half, then I'm gonna get the barbell put in...the dude that pierced me and AJ was awesome, he even gave us a ride back to our hotel cuz it was fucking WINDY.
Anyway, I should go...hopefully chillin with some friends of AJ's tonight, maybe Meaghan

And Jean...if you get this...callllllll me. I'll be here a couple days more!
Edit: Attempt at pictures...
Instead of trying to hotlink them, I'm just going to send the link of the entire site that my friend has 'em loaded on...
Canadian partying
#14 is the shot of my ear RIGHT afterwards. Enjoy.
i was at MWC in fredericksburg, but have since left as it was terribly terrible.
glad you had fun in canadia..
I actually drove accross canada to winipeg. lots of scenery. not a lot else.