Had an awesome time at the SanDiego Comic-con. Met cool people, shilled my site like a motherfucker, and even was able to make a comic about it and get the update done for my site as promised.

Special thanks to everyone who visited my site, you make me feel all important and shit.

new update on the eleventh.

Updated the site again.

wow... I just spent the last hour writting my column, now I have nothing more to say.

Visit my site please, it is great.
happy birthday!!!
Added some more things to my site for visiting enjoyment.

The board is up and kicking and actually reciving posts by people that I haven't met personally, that just blows my mind.

Frinds of mine are going to be at the San Deigo comic con on August third handing out a special edition mini comic that I have to hurry up and finish. I'm going...
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Newest update comes with a message board.

I thought it would be as nice as the one here, but oh well.

Please post on there let me know you give a damn about my comics.

new update on the twenty-second.

Are you reading Pratchett as in Terry Pratchett? If so you and noncomdrone should geek out sometime.
I've been putting up my more contraversial comics up and I have yet to recieve hate mail.

This could mean a number of things:

1- They're not as contraversial as I though.
2- They're funny enough that no one minds
3- People are becoming harder to offend
4- No one is going to my site

Meh... who cares.

Special thanks to those of you out...
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I've actually been a big fan of his since as long as I can remember, my dad was a big an.

I guess some of my humor comes from stuff along his lines.
I just finished reading Napalm and silly putty.... alot of that material I'd already heard, but it was worth it nevertheles....

I guess I just like his 'keen fuckit but at least be aware of it' attitude...

Beats taking yourself too seriously
New site update for the fourth.

And a special shout out to Joyrider, for being one of the twenty or so people to visit my site.

my man.

i visited your site! i especially liked your faq section smile
Updated my website yesterday, going to update again on 07.07.02. Go look at it....

... please

okay, so i read your comics and honored my ancestors and had a cake.

they were really good cakes, man.