Added some more things to my site for visiting enjoyment.

The board is up and kicking and actually reciving posts by people that I haven't met personally, that just blows my mind.

Frinds of mine are going to be at the San Deigo comic con on August third handing out a special edition mini comic that I have to hurry up and finish. I'm going...
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Newest update comes with a message board.

I thought it would be as nice as the one here, but oh well.

Please post on there let me know you give a damn about my comics.

new update on the twenty-second.

Are you reading Pratchett as in Terry Pratchett? If so you and noncomdrone should geek out sometime.
I've been putting up my more contraversial comics up and I have yet to recieve hate mail.

This could mean a number of things:

1- They're not as contraversial as I though.
2- They're funny enough that no one minds
3- People are becoming harder to offend
4- No one is going to my site

Meh... who cares.

Special thanks to those of you out...
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I've actually been a big fan of his since as long as I can remember, my dad was a big an.

I guess some of my humor comes from stuff along his lines.
I just finished reading Napalm and silly putty.... alot of that material I'd already heard, but it was worth it nevertheles....

I guess I just like his 'keen fuckit but at least be aware of it' attitude...

Beats taking yourself too seriously
New site update for the fourth.

And a special shout out to Joyrider, for being one of the twenty or so people to visit my site.

my man.

i visited your site! i especially liked your faq section smile
Updated my website yesterday, going to update again on 07.07.02. Go look at it....

... please

okay, so i read your comics and honored my ancestors and had a cake.

they were really good cakes, man.