So the new Lamb Of God album is fucking amazing. So the new Blind Guardian album is fucking amazing. So the new Mastodon album is fucking amazing. You know what's not amazing? The fact that the new Slayer album sucks cock. It really pisses me off when a band begins to suck when they shouldn't...
Ever meet somebody that you instantly fall in love with? Somebody who fills you with warmth and confidence in yourself? I met one last night. She's literally one of the coolest people I've ever met. Yeah, I have a huge immature crush on her...
Your "Noble Knight" pictures are hilarious 

Yay! New pictures of my being a drunken ass! Woo hoo!
The beer knight.
I've always been a pretty avid classic rock fan, but lately it's been almost insane. I've been gettin' the Led out, listing to Rush, lots of Sabbath, lots of Iron Maiden. It's so not like me to listen to so much old shit...
At least it's all good shit, yes?
At least it's all good shit, yes?
try a little dragonforce. 

I wrote this at work today...
Sitting on the couch in the living room gives me a perfect view of my surroundings. As I come down from the heroin, I try to take note of the things going on around me. I try, but only wish to shoot up again. Its truly a hell here in this den. This scum infested hole of a...
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Sitting on the couch in the living room gives me a perfect view of my surroundings. As I come down from the heroin, I try to take note of the things going on around me. I try, but only wish to shoot up again. Its truly a hell here in this den. This scum infested hole of a...
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This is Bob.... Bob has Bitch tits. 

"is that your blood?"
"Some of it, yeah."
"Some of it, yeah."
So after a frisbee game at the beach, I have a hole in the bottom of my foot. I seem to be an unwilling addict for self-abuse of varying forms. Eh, so it goes.
I got new cds today! I picked up Aborym's Generator and Deathspell Omega's Knse. Both rock pretty hard. Oh how I love metal.
Pee ess. The finger's healing wonderfully.
Pee ess. The finger's healing wonderfully.
So a friend of mine introduced me to Einstrzende Neubauten. 'Tis German industrial at it's finest, I guess. They use power drills, mallets, pipes, and other strange shit to make their music. Well, whatever they use, it kicks much ass.
Tonight was a good night. In Portland with friends and beer. Went to an open mike night where I read a poem written on the spot. Then headed back to Cat's place. On the way we met Brian, a cool guy which I had helped back to his house previously. Drank, smoked hookah, drank some more, and kissed a guy. All in all, a good...
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Last night was just ducky. Went to portland after work, went to a couple bars with Jess and her brother. Pete's a fucking awesome guy. Then went back to the hookah bar and stayed until 4 drinking and loving life. It was a good time.
Yay you used my good idea for the bands. I see you like Thorr's Hammer I just got the re-release her vocals are amazing. Great band list!