It's a weird day; a sad, weird day...I was never a massive David Bowie fan, I loved a lot of of his music - I think it is probably difficult to love all of his music as it encompassed so many styles and inspirations and shades but there was surely something for everyone to love in there somewhere. Apart from his music, as a child of the 70's (I know, right? SO old!) he's just always...been there, it was just always a fact that somewhere out there David Bowie was there, doing something brilliant and mad in equal measure.
And he just seemed like a nice guy.
I never knew either of my Grandfathers, one died before I was born and the other vacated my Dad's life when he was 15. I'm not sure if that's affected my life in any noticeable way but I have always had a list of people who I thought would make a great Grandad.
1) John Peel
2) Terrance Stamp
3) David Bowie
I feel a bit like my Grandad died?