Well I was going to go to bed, and then I saw that escape from l.a. was on hbo. Of course, I had to watch the entire thing.
Figured now is as good a time as any to give an rl status update.
I've been completely done with school for a little while now. Not much has changed though, still looking for jobs in a bunch of places. Raleigh NC, Johnson City TN, Seattle, or New York. I'm pretty much just waiting to get the ok on a job and I'm moving to wherever it is. That freaks me the hell out. If anyone knows of a computer technician job somewhere though, let me know.
Gaming wise, I beat the shit out of dead space and was working on dead space 2 on the hardest difficulties of course. /epeen. I was nearing the end of it and suddenly my brother texts me that him and a friend are going to start up Final Fantasy XI. Yes, the mmo one. The one I played for 5 minutes 6 years ago and decided that it was awful and I'd never play again. Well, I'm hanging out with them watching them install and his friend goes, "hey, if you'll play, I'll buy it for you." of course I say, "fuck it, why not?"
Turns out, I fucking love this game. It feels like Everquest when it was in its prime in 99-01. Somehow FFXI has managed to not fuck itself up like wow did. Being out nine years and still being good is a huge accomplishment. I'm having more fun leveling up my character than I've had since vanilla wow. It's so much more difficult and enjoyable. I have to say though, starting out, it's the most overwhelming game I've ever played. I mean shit, there's nine years of updates and expansions. There are so many options for things you can do. My brother is still level 18, leveling multiple characters and trying to do every quest he can. Our friend is 30, he's leveling up his first advanced job right now and I think it's like 15. Me, on the other hand, I've unlocked 4 advanced jobs. I've got my Dragoon/Warrior at 36 and multiple other classes leveled to about what theirs are. We're having a ridiculous amount of fun. We've been LANing every night at my brother's place. Junk food, video games, and sodas, it's fucking great.
Well, since another commercial is on for Game of Thrones, I'll discuss what I thought of that first episode.
HOLY SHIT BOOBS! That show had a RIDICULOUS amount of tits and nudity. I definitely didn't picture that much nudity when I was reading it.
The casting is fucking tremendous. Everyone is fantastic, although, I hate the king's son Joffrey. I wanted to punch him in the face from the second I saw him. The rest of the content I thought was pretty accurate for the most part. It felt so rushed though. Not in terms of quality, but in the actual content. They rushed through so many awesome things and didn't stop long enough to emphasize them. I don't think people are going to be emotionally involved in it at all if they keep that up. I'm assuming it's because they needed to get the beginning out of the way to push through the early parts of the story. Maybe it won't feel like that after this first one. At least, I hope so. My only actual problem with changed they made, is the end of the wedding day of Daenerys and Khal Drogo. I won't ruin anything as maybe they will touch on it later. Anyone who read it will know what I'm talking about hopefully. Anyone else have a problem with that?
Anyway, bed time... or, it would be if this random Peter Sellers movie that I've never heard of called, "The Party" didn't just come on. I really need to get some of that self control I'm always hearing so much about... Oh man this is super racist. I have to watch it.
Yes, that's brown face.
Figured now is as good a time as any to give an rl status update.
I've been completely done with school for a little while now. Not much has changed though, still looking for jobs in a bunch of places. Raleigh NC, Johnson City TN, Seattle, or New York. I'm pretty much just waiting to get the ok on a job and I'm moving to wherever it is. That freaks me the hell out. If anyone knows of a computer technician job somewhere though, let me know.
Gaming wise, I beat the shit out of dead space and was working on dead space 2 on the hardest difficulties of course. /epeen. I was nearing the end of it and suddenly my brother texts me that him and a friend are going to start up Final Fantasy XI. Yes, the mmo one. The one I played for 5 minutes 6 years ago and decided that it was awful and I'd never play again. Well, I'm hanging out with them watching them install and his friend goes, "hey, if you'll play, I'll buy it for you." of course I say, "fuck it, why not?"
Turns out, I fucking love this game. It feels like Everquest when it was in its prime in 99-01. Somehow FFXI has managed to not fuck itself up like wow did. Being out nine years and still being good is a huge accomplishment. I'm having more fun leveling up my character than I've had since vanilla wow. It's so much more difficult and enjoyable. I have to say though, starting out, it's the most overwhelming game I've ever played. I mean shit, there's nine years of updates and expansions. There are so many options for things you can do. My brother is still level 18, leveling multiple characters and trying to do every quest he can. Our friend is 30, he's leveling up his first advanced job right now and I think it's like 15. Me, on the other hand, I've unlocked 4 advanced jobs. I've got my Dragoon/Warrior at 36 and multiple other classes leveled to about what theirs are. We're having a ridiculous amount of fun. We've been LANing every night at my brother's place. Junk food, video games, and sodas, it's fucking great.
Well, since another commercial is on for Game of Thrones, I'll discuss what I thought of that first episode.
HOLY SHIT BOOBS! That show had a RIDICULOUS amount of tits and nudity. I definitely didn't picture that much nudity when I was reading it.
The casting is fucking tremendous. Everyone is fantastic, although, I hate the king's son Joffrey. I wanted to punch him in the face from the second I saw him. The rest of the content I thought was pretty accurate for the most part. It felt so rushed though. Not in terms of quality, but in the actual content. They rushed through so many awesome things and didn't stop long enough to emphasize them. I don't think people are going to be emotionally involved in it at all if they keep that up. I'm assuming it's because they needed to get the beginning out of the way to push through the early parts of the story. Maybe it won't feel like that after this first one. At least, I hope so. My only actual problem with changed they made, is the end of the wedding day of Daenerys and Khal Drogo. I won't ruin anything as maybe they will touch on it later. Anyone who read it will know what I'm talking about hopefully. Anyone else have a problem with that?
Anyway, bed time... or, it would be if this random Peter Sellers movie that I've never heard of called, "The Party" didn't just come on. I really need to get some of that self control I'm always hearing so much about... Oh man this is super racist. I have to watch it.
Yes, that's brown face.
i couldnt get into that mmo.. though considering how much time i tend to devote to games.. thats probably a good thing
yeah like i said. i played ffxi back in like 2006 or something and i HATED it. i hated it so much. the controls are really horrendous. this time i just kept playing anyway and got used to them. now i can't get enough of this game. i've been playing sooooo much. i've been playing for about a week and i have over 4 days played.