didnt go so bad as I/we anticipated. The 'backstage' area probably was the best gig, seeing as a majority of my job was to record the world feeds, podium shots, and track down the errant superstar if they happened to wander down our way. Although, it really wasnt 'Backstage' to be honest. More like a hastily contructed tent BEHIND the backstage that was bloody hot and used to shuffle through the celebs/musicians that wanted to do the impromptu press conference thing.
I did wrangle and interview with John Bon Jovi and the Rev. Al Sharpton off to the side. Whoop-di-shit, I know. But, it was weird being close to either of them. I also got a chance to wink at Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Portman, and Jennifer Connolly (who was SMOKING hot, BTW).
Again, the whole deal wasn't too bad...people left us alone for the most part, save for the fat ass PR/Security prick wearing the tight pants and shirt. He was about 40 pounds overweight and just looked ridiculous with his bulges and rolls of fat spilling out.. He tried to scare me, saying he'd 'revoke my pass' if I didnt stay in the hot tent. I think my comment of 'Fuck you very much for your help' struck a chord with him. He left me alone the rest of the day...
I did wrangle and interview with John Bon Jovi and the Rev. Al Sharpton off to the side. Whoop-di-shit, I know. But, it was weird being close to either of them. I also got a chance to wink at Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Portman, and Jennifer Connolly (who was SMOKING hot, BTW).
Again, the whole deal wasn't too bad...people left us alone for the most part, save for the fat ass PR/Security prick wearing the tight pants and shirt. He was about 40 pounds overweight and just looked ridiculous with his bulges and rolls of fat spilling out.. He tried to scare me, saying he'd 'revoke my pass' if I didnt stay in the hot tent. I think my comment of 'Fuck you very much for your help' struck a chord with him. He left me alone the rest of the day...
and i would have gone to KOP but i was too tired lol. gallery sucked. ah well , what can ya do