The life of mediocrity isnt all that that it's cracked up to be. Sure, you get to wallow in a little bit of safety, not worried about things crashing down around or upon you. Life moves on for you, day after day towards that inevitable conclusion without you really worrying about the here and now. You wake up every day knowing that you have a decent job, a roof over your head, and a few purchased items that you think make you happy. But deep down inside, you know that something is wrong. You realize that this 'safe' journey doesn't sit right within your soul. There is really no joy, no happiness, nor fulfullment for you. The days of nothing soon stretch into years, then decades. Your life passes by you more quickly that you'd ever could imagine, leaving you with very little, save for longing, lonliness, and regret. So, ask yourself this playing it 'safe' all of the time really worth it?
Also, I forgot to ask on the is your grandpa?
You should really come over one day. We honestly want to have you.
Hope you have a nice Saturday!