Apparently the Legion of Super-Heroes is now in animated form on the CW network. Produced by the same folx that brought us the latest version of the Justice League, I just watched my first episode (even though it's been on the air for a few months). Pretty damn cool, actually. Brainiac 5, Timberwolf, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad were a few characters that were on this weeks episode. Check out the the rest of the story here. I just hate the fact that I JUST found out about this, and I work for the station it AIRS ON!!!! Dammit....

Apparently the Legion of Super-Heroes is now in animated form on the CW network. Produced by the same folx that brought us the latest version of the Justice League, I just watched my first episode (even though it's been on the air for a few months). Pretty damn cool, actually. Brainiac 5, Timberwolf, Phantom Girl, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad were a few characters that were on this weeks episode. Check out the the rest of the story here. I just hate the fact that I JUST found out about this, and I work for the station it AIRS ON!!!! Dammit....

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