I was able to make it up to the Poconos today. For a bit, at least. It was nice enough...had Jack Frost to myself for the most part. My binding were a little loose, due to the fact that I didnt tighten the things up before I hit the slopes. It took one run down the mountain to try and figure out why I didnt have alot of control of my board. Thankfully, I figured it out and continues on for a few more runs. No falling, thank goodness. My bod's a little sore, though. I'm currently drinking whiskey to help ease myself into bed. Woot.
The snow was decent enough, and it was cold! I didnt stay up there, though. A nasty ice storm was scheduled to hit tonight, so I opted to head back to Philly. Did some grocery shopping (in my snowboard pants) as well as some Ikea browsing. It's been a busy day!
The snow was decent enough, and it was cold! I didnt stay up there, though. A nasty ice storm was scheduled to hit tonight, so I opted to head back to Philly. Did some grocery shopping (in my snowboard pants) as well as some Ikea browsing. It's been a busy day!
I can imagine an intelligent woman might taste like bacon, but my imagination is kind of wrong (very wrong).