Thank you for the tag @eisesara
* Age: 43
* Favorite pie - steak and ale
* Steak or seafood - Steak
* Pepsi or Coke - Neither. Don’t drink pop.
* Vanilla or Chocolate- Chocolate
* How many tattoos - 3 large ones
* Ever hit a deer - Nope
* Last text from - My twin brother
* Favorite season - Summer
* Broken Bones - Never broken a bone
* Favorite Color - Blue, goes with my eyes
* Mountains or Beaches- Beaches
* Dogs or cat- Dogs
* Early morning person- fuck no, love a good cuddle
* Favorite Holiday - Christmas
* Favorite flower - Peony
* Beer or wine- British Ale (beer kinda)
* Pancakes or waffle - Waffles
* Sign- Leo