Finally I get around to blogging again… I keep hinting on an update and never get around to it.
Not sure if you all remember me kind of celebrating a while back in my blog, well looks like things are finally moving forward. A company in the UK approached me again to work for them based on a successful job interview I had with their office in Seattle. It has taken a lot of back and forth and many interviews with different c level staff member but it looks like it’s going to work out. They are in the process of getting a certificate of sponsorship in order to get me a work visa for the UK. One of the pains of holding the green and gold passport..
So hopefully in 8 – 10 weeks I will be moving to the UK. Yes I know it seems I rarely stay in one place long enough to settle, but this is a good move for my career. Great company, great product and a sales team I’ve worked with before.
This month is the one year anniversary of my employment in the UAE but just not feeling it with this company .. to small and not well run. I mean you expect politics in a larger company.. but there are 12 of us in the office here.. and it’s like ‘Days of our Lives’
On the family side, everyone is doing very well. By brothers wife is only now able to put weight on her left leg and with the help of physiotherapy she is able to now bend her knee. So the year looks like its improving..
Temperatures here are now going up.. we are only in spring and we are at 38 degrees C (100.4 F)
Some other pics of my life in the last couple of months since my last blog.
These are of Doha, Qatar from the 42 floor.. not much to see ..
Me and by brother when we were much younger and thinner.. how I miss those days. Its me in the green t-shirt.
And my one puppy Zia having a seat with me the other day. just like a person.
and lastly something inspirational... kind of how I go through life.