Finally time for the weekend... Tattoo Convention tomorrow!!
Also had new that Frank Miller has released a new comic book (4 parts) called Nemisis... Branding it 'What if Batman was a cunt!' The chracter does seem to look like Batman with out the ears and have the jokers smile. But I think it'll be worth a read.
I wouldn't say Im a film buff but I do enjoy movies that are some what different from the main stream stuff... not with standing I do enjoy alot of the main stream films that are out there. I watched 'A Serbian Film' last night and I've got to say its probably one of the most disturbing films I've seen in some time. Films like The Human Centipede, I spit on your grave and Last House on the Left don't come close. Please be adviced this movie crosses alot of boundries.. actually just about all of them.
I also watched Let Me In, a reamake of the original movie Let The Right One In based on a novel.. The US version was good but the original film was still better.
US Version
Original Version
Family news my brother just got himself three tarantulas, they are really small but grow up quickly I've been told. Small fact: If you drop a tarantula they pop/explode. Strange but true.
Here are some girls we need to give some love to....
Also had new that Frank Miller has released a new comic book (4 parts) called Nemisis... Branding it 'What if Batman was a cunt!' The chracter does seem to look like Batman with out the ears and have the jokers smile. But I think it'll be worth a read.
I wouldn't say Im a film buff but I do enjoy movies that are some what different from the main stream stuff... not with standing I do enjoy alot of the main stream films that are out there. I watched 'A Serbian Film' last night and I've got to say its probably one of the most disturbing films I've seen in some time. Films like The Human Centipede, I spit on your grave and Last House on the Left don't come close. Please be adviced this movie crosses alot of boundries.. actually just about all of them.
I also watched Let Me In, a reamake of the original movie Let The Right One In based on a novel.. The US version was good but the original film was still better.
US Version
Original Version
Family news my brother just got himself three tarantulas, they are really small but grow up quickly I've been told. Small fact: If you drop a tarantula they pop/explode. Strange but true.
Here are some girls we need to give some love to....
I think I'm going to join the Foreign Film Group.
I've never seen As It Is In Heaven.. might just have to download it this week.