- on shiane's photo
- on The Great Vaginas of SG in sex talk
- on Post Your Own Ass! in ass appreciation
- on LATINAS PUSSY SHOTS in latinas
- on Going down from behind... in oral sex
- on spirit's blog post
Thank you for the tag @eisesara
* Age: 43
* Favorite pie - steak and ale
* Steak or seafood - Steak
* Pepsi or Coke - Neither. Don’t drink pop.
* Vanilla or Chocolate- Chocolate
* How many tattoos - 3 large ones
* Ever hit a deer - Nope
* Last text from - My twin brother
* Favorite season - Summer
With winter on the way I managed to get a deal on a VW Cabriolet as the owner didn’t want to pay for winter storage. Runs like a dream, just needs new shocks.
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So not sure how many people read my blogs and yes it’s been a while. But BIG news, our wedding date is set. Next year June we tie the knot. Just thought I’d share.
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