Contract is done!

The move is finnished!

Grad funding applications are in!

...life returning... maybe I'll be around a little more!
Busy beyond belief!!!

Moving into a new house on Monday.

Finishing my contract at the archives.

Deadline for grad funding applications is fast approaching.

School is so busy I barely have time to address the aforementioned obligations.

Oh yeah... I also have a three year old. eeek

Hope to be in touch with some of you soon.
How is your new place? I have been working tons lately......Weirdest Gig placement of the year - Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, at the Brickyard? Interesting......( I love them because they are a bit like SOFT MACHINE)
Johnny Cash died. frown
Danke my dear
ive been listening to his cover of hurt ...seems fiting
School has been great!

Losing my wallet, and every piece of ID I own, has sucked!

Being societally anonymous is great!
Yay for school! Sorry about the wallet. frown

Societally anonymous? Cuz you're the new guy? Is that it?
Montreal was brilliant last weekend. A perfect way to finish the summer break.

School starts today eeek

Taking: Soviet history
Third Reich domestic politics
18th Century State development (seminar)
European Integration (seminar)
Elementary German

I only need three courses a semester to graduate, but being the geek that I am, I've decided on five courses for each session.

Just to be ridiculously busy: I'm tutouring two...
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Wow! I haven't updated in a while.

Life is good: due to the lingering effects of the blackout, I spent the week off swimming, hanging with friends in the Gatineau's, drinking copious amounts of wine.

School is starting again next week - OMG! I've decidied to take German this year, in order to get into the masters program I want. It's been a long time...
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i would love to learn german, i love how aggressive the language sounds.
And the sun keeps on shining out here in Van - land.....The past two months went by in a blip....Hope your school agenda curriculum is enjoyable.....I am eager to get some higher food learning soon......
Work has become brutally boring: you try reviewing files that are 80 to 100 years old concerning timber regulations and Orders in Council. Land claims litigation requires every possible shred of info, even it was produced in the late 19th century.

Second beef: I'm applying to a masters program in European and Russian studies; it is an inter-disciplinary program (which is what I really prefer)....
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Yo La Tango! What, when, where?????????
It's like doing library work? - but It's probably good money.....You are quite a scholar! I made some chicken curry - It might help.....Take care brother.......
I've been so busy with work and finishing my summer course that I have neglected my journal updates - more than usual, anyway. Unfortunately, there seems to be a few more weeks of burning the candle at both ends.

Now that we are in the dog days of summer, I hope that you have accomplished all that you had planned for the fair weather months,...
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Wow! What a thing to find out now! I actually don't know that much about my heritage. Some of the things I cling to are just family rumour and possibly totally false. *sigh*

Yeah, having a little one totally changes your life! Not that I have one, but one of my best friends is 5 mos preggers right now and Papawheelie and I were talking about how she has no idea how much it's gonna change her life. He suggested I get her diaper service for 6 mos as a shower gift. What do you think of that?
the sanskrit prayer tattoo sounds so lovely. what prayer will it be, if you dont mind sharing? i once started to study sanskrit, but have yet to finish lesson three if i remember correctly...biggrin
Long-weeknd is here! Cottage bound!

Have a great weekend wherever you may be.

Words for the weekend:
"halcyon days"
"in vino veritas"

...mix a little of each and stir. smile
Hey, I keep running into you all over the place now, so I want to say some things:

First, in case you didn't see my post in Lit Club, Candide was a truly excellent book. I think I'll re-read it before I go on to anything else. Thanks a lot for the tip.

Second, where in Canada are you?

Third, which tiny little BC town did you play with DOTHT?

Fourth, on my trip I get to see Bombshell Betty again! Huzzah!

Fifth, I'm the one who told Flux to grab Godel Escher Bach. It really is a fantastic book.

Yeah. Have fun on your long weekend!
Cowtown, AB.

Nope, strictly Left Coast on this excursion.

I work all weekend, except for some family hassle back in BC tomorrow. No fun for me, grrr.
Had a brilliant weekend.

Went to a country home of a friend, and got together with the Montreal gang for our annual reggae event. Two day and nights of music, dancing, swimming, great food and drink.

This year we were taken through a chronology of Jamacian styles: from mento, ska, rocksteady through roots, dancehall, dub, etc.

It was the quintessential summer weekend.

Big up.
good word. thanks so much. smile
Ooh, sounds like great fun! I'm gonna go have some pickled red herrings on toast for breakfast. hehehe