Ive got to update more often. Ive been doing it once a week and too much happens in a week. On the other hand, too much happens in a week.
The wife is feeling much better. Her Ob/Gyn found a bacterial infection. Antibiotics arent the best during pregnancy but considering she is now 11 days from term there is little choice. The infection is a far greater risk during childbirth. Anyway the antibiotics are working very well, she feels much better, and the baby hasnt dropped yet so everything should be cleared up in time. I WILL post something when the baby comes.
We had a refresher childbirth seminar, which helped us both feel a lot more on top of things. There was couple there with nametags that said they were due May 23 also. I saw their tags and this silly childish little voice started up in my head saying, I know when you had sex! I know when you had sex! It was such a silly thing to think that I almost cracked up just from the fact that I thought of something so silly. I had to hide my mouth so that no one would see me fighting back the laughter.
Hooters! Yes what fun! It was a shame more people couldnt make it but what the fuck. Id never actually been in a Hooters. Im afraid the slogan Delightfully tacky yet unrefined was not designed to get a snooty old Mod to come in. The food is really good but the Bass Ale was too cold. The short shorts with panty hose are a horrible flashback to the late seventies but due show off the "A" in T&A nicely. The company was the best part and thats why I was there.
Mothers day consisted of brunch with the mother in law. Then I worked my Sunday shift complete with having to give a lecture to the staff about how my ass had been burned for letting them show up late and how I had to start reporting them to the Branch Manager starting that morning. After that I had dinner with my mom. Afterwards my wife and I commiserated about how we are the only ones in our families that can organize anything. There would have been no mothers day for two families without us getting on the phone. It's not easy keeping it together in an untogether world.

We had a refresher childbirth seminar, which helped us both feel a lot more on top of things. There was couple there with nametags that said they were due May 23 also. I saw their tags and this silly childish little voice started up in my head saying, I know when you had sex! I know when you had sex! It was such a silly thing to think that I almost cracked up just from the fact that I thought of something so silly. I had to hide my mouth so that no one would see me fighting back the laughter.
Hooters! Yes what fun! It was a shame more people couldnt make it but what the fuck. Id never actually been in a Hooters. Im afraid the slogan Delightfully tacky yet unrefined was not designed to get a snooty old Mod to come in. The food is really good but the Bass Ale was too cold. The short shorts with panty hose are a horrible flashback to the late seventies but due show off the "A" in T&A nicely. The company was the best part and thats why I was there.
Mothers day consisted of brunch with the mother in law. Then I worked my Sunday shift complete with having to give a lecture to the staff about how my ass had been burned for letting them show up late and how I had to start reporting them to the Branch Manager starting that morning. After that I had dinner with my mom. Afterwards my wife and I commiserated about how we are the only ones in our families that can organize anything. There would have been no mothers day for two families without us getting on the phone. It's not easy keeping it together in an untogether world.
i'd like to say the third is complete breeze, but I can't. It's close, tho'.
..hoping your adventure is flowing along nicely. Tell your wife to tap into the wisdom of all her granny ancestors ...they all went down that road before ...and trust her body.