I just read something on the boards about how some one has no life, friends, can't met anyone etc. I'm not going to single anyone out because there's no point. I've been hearing people complain and come up with "reasons" to socially isolate themselves since my late teens. It comes down to this, ethier you want to have fun and have a social life or you don't. Because people don't seem to belive that I'm going make a list of the reasons why I "can't" go out. I'm not doing this to bitch, just to make my point.
I'm old/ I've out grown...
In my experince the number one age group that uses this as an excuse is between 18-25. Check my profile.
I'm married.
It's astonishing the number of people who think they can't go out because they're hitched. You married the wrong person then. MY wife is my favorite partner in crime.
I have a kid.
That's what babysitters are for. Also try taking the little monster along. My 2 year old rocks out at all ages shows.
I work too much.
Buddy, I've got two jobs and had to do seven days in a row this last week. I still went out Friday with the wife and a few friends.
Nobody's into what I'm into.
Yeah well no one's intrests completely match anyone elses. Finding out about stuff you don't know about is half the fun of metting people. For me I would definately have to say that the American Buddhist mods into Lord of the Rings and beat literature make up a tribe of one. Fine, lets gather the tribes and party.
I could go on but I think I made my point. We once drove 13 hours to a small new years party just so we could spend the night with friends. That's the kind of people we are.
Oh yeah, my weekend. We went to see the rerelease what turned out to be the most inteligent well done Hippie era film I've ever seen. http://captainmilkshake.com/ Afterwords we caught a friend of friend's band that turned out to be lame so I won't name them. Saw several friends between the two happenings, and had fun damn it!
I'm old/ I've out grown...
In my experince the number one age group that uses this as an excuse is between 18-25. Check my profile.
I'm married.
It's astonishing the number of people who think they can't go out because they're hitched. You married the wrong person then. MY wife is my favorite partner in crime.
I have a kid.
That's what babysitters are for. Also try taking the little monster along. My 2 year old rocks out at all ages shows.
I work too much.
Buddy, I've got two jobs and had to do seven days in a row this last week. I still went out Friday with the wife and a few friends.
Nobody's into what I'm into.
Yeah well no one's intrests completely match anyone elses. Finding out about stuff you don't know about is half the fun of metting people. For me I would definately have to say that the American Buddhist mods into Lord of the Rings and beat literature make up a tribe of one. Fine, lets gather the tribes and party.
I could go on but I think I made my point. We once drove 13 hours to a small new years party just so we could spend the night with friends. That's the kind of people we are.
Oh yeah, my weekend. We went to see the rerelease what turned out to be the most inteligent well done Hippie era film I've ever seen. http://captainmilkshake.com/ Afterwords we caught a friend of friend's band that turned out to be lame so I won't name them. Saw several friends between the two happenings, and had fun damn it!

ok unwind this one:
i'm in a complicated domestic partnership (CDP, I like to say), three kids (one a newborn) and broke (can't afford a babysitter or all ages shows)
and if ya have an answer for that, I'm also a quardapalegic blind and deaf mute with halitosis.
BTW, grey (heh that rhymes), i dig the new pic ...but i still think you could pass for Tim Robbins' sibling