I'm working on the final budget analysis for a federal grant proposal. Its to fund the automation of a library and the convertion of all its cataloging and indexing to electronic format. Its all very technical and professional and tens of thousands of dollars are involved. It makes me feel very middle-aged and responsible. That scares the shit out of me. Three years ago I was a student. OK, yes I was getting my second master's degree but I was still a student. Now I'm like all adult and shit. Am I still the deviant intelectual freak I've always thought of myself as? I can't tell anymore. Being an aging hipster is very confusing.

Once a deviant, Intellectual freak, always a deviant intellectual freak. Now, if you where ONLY deviant or ONLY intellectual or ONLY a freak, there might be a chance of one day waking up and finding yourself normal, it could manifest in many ways, the most common being: Finding yourself staring at the television, nodding at commercials. But since you are blessed with all three traits, I think you are safe. (its okay to pretend at normality in order to survive.)