So the Ren faire was totally fun. It was very kid friendly without being Disney. It turns out there are three fairs a year SD county, two in Escondido in the Spring and Fall and the Summer one in Balboa Park. We all got majorly sunburnt and were exhausted but very happy. Next faire we're doing costumes.
Geekiness is fun!

You know, I've never been to a Ren Faire, but I'm very curious about them. I wanted to go to the one in Balboa, but I had NO time. Hopefully next year. Glad you guys had fun! 

I had no idea about the one at Balboa. My old boss tried to give me tickets to the spring one, but I bowed out because he and his friends/family dress up and everything, and I didn't want to be disrespectful of them (since that still has some of the freak-show aspect for me). Now I really want to go, at least to observe, and maybe even work up to the dressing up =)