It's difficult enough maintaining one blog it seems. But just for my own entertainment value, i'll give this one a fair shot. I've had a livejournal, a myspace blog, even my own homemade blog on my personal website, but it all can be so difficult to balance out.
I guess all new things come with introductions: I'm James, it's a pretty generic name, but for some reason, i'm the only one in my circle of friends. I'm a freelance graphic designer just about to graduate from college to settle down and flip burgers. Occationally, i get some side work from my uncle doing faux finish work and murals in giant million dollar homes to display their personal vanity (and or their symbols of success) upon their walls. The job pays nice, but as most artist jobs - it's not regular - so i'm job hunting with local design firms/magazines/you name it to continue my cushy artsy-fartsy career. I've noticed that there are a lot of talented artists on this site, so maybe i might be able to network a little, if not with the admins of this site again. Who knows, sg might be nice for rockin' out with work and play
I've got a cat, and i live with my girlfriend and two other roommates in her lovely 3 bedroom home. The cable internet could use some improvements, but I guess that's in her plans of my contributions to the homestead.
Other than that, i'm a coffee drinker audiophile with an endless capacity for useless and sometimes useful information.
I'll get to tweaking the rest of this stuff later.
I guess all new things come with introductions: I'm James, it's a pretty generic name, but for some reason, i'm the only one in my circle of friends. I'm a freelance graphic designer just about to graduate from college to settle down and flip burgers. Occationally, i get some side work from my uncle doing faux finish work and murals in giant million dollar homes to display their personal vanity (and or their symbols of success) upon their walls. The job pays nice, but as most artist jobs - it's not regular - so i'm job hunting with local design firms/magazines/you name it to continue my cushy artsy-fartsy career. I've noticed that there are a lot of talented artists on this site, so maybe i might be able to network a little, if not with the admins of this site again. Who knows, sg might be nice for rockin' out with work and play

I've got a cat, and i live with my girlfriend and two other roommates in her lovely 3 bedroom home. The cable internet could use some improvements, but I guess that's in her plans of my contributions to the homestead.
Other than that, i'm a coffee drinker audiophile with an endless capacity for useless and sometimes useful information.
I'll get to tweaking the rest of this stuff later.
Don't be a stranger