i ate a burrito supreme in my car and talked to myself and a leaf went plop on the winshield. i said, "what the fuck is your issue with sauce?" because the guy had asked, "any sauce?" and i had answered, "mild" and he had left me sauceless and even though i was sitting outside of taco bell i didn't go in and get sauce i just ate my burrito and muttered to myself about how the top is always empty and the end is always full no matter how much you squish it around. and i smiled and checked out the woman in the car next to me and the leaf stayed on the middle of the windshield--it was big and didn't move--until i drove away singing and smoking and muttering and sipping.

I got a disasterous haircut the other day and smiled and tipped the blind-ass stylist 4 bucks, even though I thought she did a shit job... Why on earth did I do that? Fucking nuts...