Almost out of the old apartment! It has been slow and steady, but I much prefer it that way in this heat. Thanks to all who recently befriended and followed me here! I love new friends!
My birthday is in 13 days! You should consider joining my Patreon as a gifty to me! Or just be my friend on here!
Here's some images from a...
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I really want to swim! Who else is feeling this way? I cannot wait until the lake opens up in Chicago.
Another random thought -- why can I not connect my Instagram on my profile? So sad! I really want to make friends from here on there.
It's early and I'm drinking iced coffee with CBD. So tasty! I recommend the brand. It's called Tokyo...
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It's another beautiful June day in Chicago and my roommate and I are moving to a new neighborhood, Ukrainian Village, in just two weeks! I'm so excited, having lived on the North side of Chicago for almost nine years! I can't wait to take new photos in the space and see what kind of light it gets. In addition, I've been adding a lot of...
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Hello! I'm new/not-so-new here; was a member back in the day under the name Kelland! But now I'm back as a hopeful model/current photographer and graduate student whose aspiring to curate in the photographic arts (yes, I am all grown up now). Eager to make friends, especially in the Midwest and thirsty to work with photographers who might want to shoot what I hope is...
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