Lately I've been having mixed feelings about benzodiazapines. Are they good or are they evil?
What would you need to do to talk to G(g)od(dess) outright? Find the right chemical formula? Find the perfect love? Find yourself knee-deep in estuarine mud with armies of ferocious fiddler crabs making their slow insidious way towards your unprotected soft regions?
Does any of this really matter at all? If you're going to get mad about something, why not make it something really worth getting upset over? You know like, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." That shit right there is probably worth getting upset over.
What triggers you? My temper these days just seems so detached from the rest of me that it appears to be a non-viable entity. That bothers me. What's really worth getting angry about?
These are the things I think about while traveling.
T-minus 64 hours and counting.
What would you need to do to talk to G(g)od(dess) outright? Find the right chemical formula? Find the perfect love? Find yourself knee-deep in estuarine mud with armies of ferocious fiddler crabs making their slow insidious way towards your unprotected soft regions?
Does any of this really matter at all? If you're going to get mad about something, why not make it something really worth getting upset over? You know like, "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." That shit right there is probably worth getting upset over.
What triggers you? My temper these days just seems so detached from the rest of me that it appears to be a non-viable entity. That bothers me. What's really worth getting angry about?
These are the things I think about while traveling.
T-minus 64 hours and counting.
The only thing that makes me angry is myself. And traffic jams on the I-5.
What's worth getting angry about? Heh heh. Ask Phaedra.