I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to tired to deal with social interactions at the moment. I apologize both in advance and profusely for any misunderstandings.
More Blogs
Sunday Jan 19, 2003
I jut wasted the past three days of my life and spent money. Whoever… -
Friday Jan 17, 2003
Guess who I'm going to go visit this weekend? She said she's looking… -
Sunday Jan 12, 2003
I called. It went amazingly well. I haven't had such a rowdy, randy… -
Tuesday Jan 07, 2003
So the girl I put in my profile pic is the very first girl I ever wen… -
Saturday Jan 04, 2003
I'm disturbed by how little I feel I have to say anymore. -
Tuesday Dec 31, 2002
Hope you all have a fantastic new year! No impregnating or being imp… -
Sunday Dec 29, 2002
I just finished the new Pahlaniuk book "Lullaby." I think my new fav… -
Wednesday Dec 25, 2002
So this is christmas la la la la and what have we done? la la la la a… -
Wednesday Dec 18, 2002
So, I've ben going out with this Katie girl for a couple of weeks now… -
Tuesday Dec 17, 2002
I really like that farting noise that happens when air gets trapped b…