I am going up to Vancouver for a couple of days to help with my old lab's honey pull! Vancouver!! Pulling honey!! Two of my favorite things. I get to hang out with all my old lab mates. Tim Horton's!! I bloody well get to go to TIMMY'S again!
Oh happy day, happy day.
So here's the deal. We usually get a whole lot of honey and we sell it to folks. Since however you out there "know" me, I'm offering an extra special deal.
Anyone on my friends list can have a jar free on me if they want. Just send me your address over e-mail and I'll shoot a package off to you. *coutedkazinskigh* After that the first five people who send me their address can get a jar.
We will still have to extract and bottle it and do all that other fun stuff. That usually takes awhile so this won't be instant gratification by any means, but someday when you least expect it something very very sweet will show up in your mailbox.
Ready. . . GO!!
Oh happy day, happy day.
So here's the deal. We usually get a whole lot of honey and we sell it to folks. Since however you out there "know" me, I'm offering an extra special deal.
Anyone on my friends list can have a jar free on me if they want. Just send me your address over e-mail and I'll shoot a package off to you. *coutedkazinskigh* After that the first five people who send me their address can get a jar.
We will still have to extract and bottle it and do all that other fun stuff. That usually takes awhile so this won't be instant gratification by any means, but someday when you least expect it something very very sweet will show up in your mailbox.
Ready. . . GO!!
I just looove honey ... it reminds me of when i was small and we would take a long bumpy drive out to the country to taste honey on little white plastic spoons, and i got to choose a jar of whatever i wanted! usually, though, my bro would eat it all - but that's what older brothers are for, they're so sweet