Once upon a time there was me sitting on a bus watching the world go by at a medium pace. I was wearing my favorite green paisely rayon disco shirt. Had a couple of jingles janglin' in my pocket and more than a couple that didn't make any noise.
There was a girl (There's ALWAYS a girl) sitting in front of/across from me. She had on a big suede jacket with a furry collar. Her long blond hair was pulled back and her face and chest were covered with so much glitter it was like looking at a map of the universe. She was contemplating her painted-black nails. She looked up and I caught her eye.
I smiled. "Nice jacket," I said.
She blushed.
I smiled some more.
I got off the bus at my destination and walked for a bit savoring the evening air and the promise it held. I met my friends at their house and proceeded in the next two hours to drink:
5 Strongbow apple ciders
3 shots of scotch
5 shots of some evil New Brunswick swamp swill that made me see stars.
10 glasses of chilled water with slices of lemon.
I peed copiously yet remained relatively sober.
We went dancing. The floor was so crowded that the entire room moved as one. One big beast whose sole purpose was to move to the big beat. Getting into the middle of the crowd was impossible. Getting out was undesirable. I somehow found myself in the middle. . . with the girl from the bus.
She smiled. She said, "Nice shirt."
I blushed.
I laughed.
We kissed.
The world was good.
There was a girl (There's ALWAYS a girl) sitting in front of/across from me. She had on a big suede jacket with a furry collar. Her long blond hair was pulled back and her face and chest were covered with so much glitter it was like looking at a map of the universe. She was contemplating her painted-black nails. She looked up and I caught her eye.
I smiled. "Nice jacket," I said.
She blushed.
I smiled some more.
I got off the bus at my destination and walked for a bit savoring the evening air and the promise it held. I met my friends at their house and proceeded in the next two hours to drink:
5 Strongbow apple ciders
3 shots of scotch
5 shots of some evil New Brunswick swamp swill that made me see stars.
10 glasses of chilled water with slices of lemon.
I peed copiously yet remained relatively sober.
We went dancing. The floor was so crowded that the entire room moved as one. One big beast whose sole purpose was to move to the big beat. Getting into the middle of the crowd was impossible. Getting out was undesirable. I somehow found myself in the middle. . . with the girl from the bus.
She smiled. She said, "Nice shirt."
I blushed.
I laughed.
We kissed.
The world was good.
Is that a good thing girlblue?
Crap! You've stolen my John Hughes movie daydream.