Well, I won't go so far to say as that was an unqualified disaster, but it certainly was not what had hoped for. Basically, in its purest nutshell form, jack all happened.
Maybe next time, eh?
However, I came home and watched the first hour of the Professional with Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman, and I am constantly and repeatedly blown away be my intense gut reaction at the scene where Gary Oldman is killing the girl's family and he shoots the mother in the bubble bath. The shotgun pellets ripping through the bubbles just get me every time.
It's beautiful and horrible and I get all choked up by it.
I love that movie.
Bah, I am going to go read a book.
My sister is seven years old and through some unfortunate turn of events the only computer in the house is located in her room. She's almost always asleep when I'm on and I don't look at the nakedness when she's here. However, since she's in the same room as me when I'm on the computer and is always asleep when I'm on, I've gotten to know her sleep patterns very well.
Those of you who know me know that there are very very few things in the world that gross me out, but I think I have to add to that short list the sound of my sister sleeping with a cold. There's just a wet phlegmy quality to it, and she starts snorting and hacking and I swear she has pneumonia or something, but listening to it makes me nauseous. That is why I am now going to bed and getting away from the mucous beast although I am sure it will haunt my dreams. GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!
Maybe next time, eh?
However, I came home and watched the first hour of the Professional with Jean Reno, Natalie Portman, and Gary Oldman, and I am constantly and repeatedly blown away be my intense gut reaction at the scene where Gary Oldman is killing the girl's family and he shoots the mother in the bubble bath. The shotgun pellets ripping through the bubbles just get me every time.
It's beautiful and horrible and I get all choked up by it.
I love that movie.
Bah, I am going to go read a book.
My sister is seven years old and through some unfortunate turn of events the only computer in the house is located in her room. She's almost always asleep when I'm on and I don't look at the nakedness when she's here. However, since she's in the same room as me when I'm on the computer and is always asleep when I'm on, I've gotten to know her sleep patterns very well.
Those of you who know me know that there are very very few things in the world that gross me out, but I think I have to add to that short list the sound of my sister sleeping with a cold. There's just a wet phlegmy quality to it, and she starts snorting and hacking and I swear she has pneumonia or something, but listening to it makes me nauseous. That is why I am now going to bed and getting away from the mucous beast although I am sure it will haunt my dreams. GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! RUN AWAY!!!
Thanks for the tips. I'm trying to get a 6 month visa to come up there. I was thinking February to July. Get some good ski months & some good bike months.
Mmm, just enjoying a little hunny in my coffee!