Gah! So I was in the bookstore today, getting all prepped for my driver's license test, and the "cute girl at the bookstore" was there. We made eye contact and smiled three different times, but did I have the cajones to go say something to her? Of course not!
So what did I do instead? I pulled down a copy of Nick Hornby's "High Fidelity" and found the quote about how this particular girl was the kind of girl I'd been wanting to meet ever since I realized I wanted to meet girls. Then I wrote the bookstore girl (Sarah) a note sending her on a little quest to find this quote and give me a call if she wanted to, and gave ti to her on my way out.
That was competely my style, but I'm feeling like a huge ass for not just going up and talking to her. How the bloody hell do you approach a girl where she works and strike up a conversation without seeming like a complete lech?
I'm angry and embarassed and feel like an ass. And she's never going to call. And I'll end up old and alone talking to my bees. (C'mon, a LITTLE melodrama is allowed).
C'est la vie, no?
*buzz buzz buzz*
So what did I do instead? I pulled down a copy of Nick Hornby's "High Fidelity" and found the quote about how this particular girl was the kind of girl I'd been wanting to meet ever since I realized I wanted to meet girls. Then I wrote the bookstore girl (Sarah) a note sending her on a little quest to find this quote and give me a call if she wanted to, and gave ti to her on my way out.
That was competely my style, but I'm feeling like a huge ass for not just going up and talking to her. How the bloody hell do you approach a girl where she works and strike up a conversation without seeming like a complete lech?
I'm angry and embarassed and feel like an ass. And she's never going to call. And I'll end up old and alone talking to my bees. (C'mon, a LITTLE melodrama is allowed).

C'est la vie, no?
*buzz buzz buzz*
like i said, mr. honeymaker, if i was that girl, i'd be like "who was THAT guy?" 

Tell the chicstas you're into vacuum tubed radios! They dig that!!