So I went up to Vancouver for what will likely be the last time in a long long long time. My best friend broke up with his girlfriend of seven years and is moving to Ottawa. They're still living together until he leaves next week and I was staying with them. A tad awkward to say the least. He's surprisingly ok with the break-up though.
We went riding on my favorite trail and I actually took a camera and pictures which hopefully 1) came out, and 2) will be developed soon. If they do come out, you can see the ramp that is the culprit behind my limp and 4 inch bruise. I love riding!! Have I mentioned that?
Had dinner with my ex, the one girl I think I've ever loved, the most beautiful woman I've ever been with, my raison de etre for almost 18 months of my life. It was actually very comfortable and cool. It's amazing how much you can grow up in the space of a couple of years. Until she did her french-canadian cheek kissing thing when she said good-bye and it was like electricity went shooting up me. I was able to walk away and leave, but just barely. Does your system ever get rid of these things?
Ate dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant for the last time, saw all my labmates for the last time in a long long time. Will likely not be in Vancouver again for frickin' yonks. (broken record, broken record).
I'm going to say this, and I mean it completely. At this point in my life I do NOT love America. and people are always saying "love it or leave it." I'm thinking about leaving it. This may change in the future, but with Bush as President, and with his insane ideas about axis-of evil world powers and such, this is just not a comfortable place to be. America is a wonderful place and I wouldn't be where I am without it, but this sense of apathy, blind patriotism, and deep-rooted puritanical streak is driving me apeshit. If you've never been out of the country, do yourself a favor and go anywhere else for a month or so. Just talk to folks and listen to what they have to say about America and its people and policies. We may think we're the greatest country in the world, but we're standing in that room alone and we need to be careful where we step.
Then again, my love for Canada may just be my love for Canadian women. I was being CHECKED out for pete's sake! No American woman has checked me out in ages! And there was this girl at a pet shop, peirced, british accent, tattoos, gorgeous. We must have talked for half an hour and she gave me her phone number and said we should hang out! Maybe it's the big city, maybe it's the attidude Canadian women have, but I love 'em. A lot. In fact 75% of the women I've been with have been Canadian.
So long sotry short, I'm not going to be seeing my best friend again for an un-specified amount of time, I left the only city and the only girl I've ever loved, and may never see either of them again, and I'm back in the land of disposable cutting boards, disposable ideals, and disposable intellect.
The whole four hour drive home I had that funky heavy pressure you get in the back of your head when you're about to cry.
Until NPR came on with a lecutre series they were doing and Ursula K. Leguin was the speaker. She was amazing. Unfortunately I lost the signal driving over the mountains.
I'm so sad about everything.
But I'm looking at your honey. It'll be mailed ASAP.
I'm going to shut up now.
We went riding on my favorite trail and I actually took a camera and pictures which hopefully 1) came out, and 2) will be developed soon. If they do come out, you can see the ramp that is the culprit behind my limp and 4 inch bruise. I love riding!! Have I mentioned that?
Had dinner with my ex, the one girl I think I've ever loved, the most beautiful woman I've ever been with, my raison de etre for almost 18 months of my life. It was actually very comfortable and cool. It's amazing how much you can grow up in the space of a couple of years. Until she did her french-canadian cheek kissing thing when she said good-bye and it was like electricity went shooting up me. I was able to walk away and leave, but just barely. Does your system ever get rid of these things?
Ate dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant for the last time, saw all my labmates for the last time in a long long time. Will likely not be in Vancouver again for frickin' yonks. (broken record, broken record).
I'm going to say this, and I mean it completely. At this point in my life I do NOT love America. and people are always saying "love it or leave it." I'm thinking about leaving it. This may change in the future, but with Bush as President, and with his insane ideas about axis-of evil world powers and such, this is just not a comfortable place to be. America is a wonderful place and I wouldn't be where I am without it, but this sense of apathy, blind patriotism, and deep-rooted puritanical streak is driving me apeshit. If you've never been out of the country, do yourself a favor and go anywhere else for a month or so. Just talk to folks and listen to what they have to say about America and its people and policies. We may think we're the greatest country in the world, but we're standing in that room alone and we need to be careful where we step.
Then again, my love for Canada may just be my love for Canadian women. I was being CHECKED out for pete's sake! No American woman has checked me out in ages! And there was this girl at a pet shop, peirced, british accent, tattoos, gorgeous. We must have talked for half an hour and she gave me her phone number and said we should hang out! Maybe it's the big city, maybe it's the attidude Canadian women have, but I love 'em. A lot. In fact 75% of the women I've been with have been Canadian.
So long sotry short, I'm not going to be seeing my best friend again for an un-specified amount of time, I left the only city and the only girl I've ever loved, and may never see either of them again, and I'm back in the land of disposable cutting boards, disposable ideals, and disposable intellect.
The whole four hour drive home I had that funky heavy pressure you get in the back of your head when you're about to cry.
Until NPR came on with a lecutre series they were doing and Ursula K. Leguin was the speaker. She was amazing. Unfortunately I lost the signal driving over the mountains.
I'm so sad about everything.
But I'm looking at your honey. It'll be mailed ASAP.
I'm going to shut up now.
Oh, and I happen to have Ursula LeGuin in my address book. Nyah.