In light of my last journal entry concerning the blood all over the pillow, whether said blood came from brain hemorrhaging due to intense dreams, a bloody nose, or unknown lycanthropia on my part, I have compiled a list of helpful household hints.
Grendel Says:
To get bloodstains out of a fur coat, use cornmeal and brush the fur the wrong way. I'm assuming this works just as well on living furred animals as it does on dead furred animals.
To get blood off of piano keys polish them with talcum powder or powdered milk.
To get bloodstains out of wallpaper, put on a paste of cornstarch and cold water. This will also work well on couches and mattresses.
To hide bullet holes or holes made from other "devices" in drywall, use toothpaste. For large caliber bullet holes, use a paste of equal parts starch and salt.
To fix stab holes in nightgowns, tuxedos, and hats use clear nail polish on the inside of the puncture.
To make candles dripless, soak them in strong salt water. Candles are also easily lighted with a strand of raw spaghetti.
Green-tinted moisturizer will help hide red, slapped skin.
Keep a red washcloth handy for wiping up blood and you'll never have a stained cloth to worry about.
For ladies who have spent an inordinante amount of time crying. . . for whatever reason, blue or mauve eyeliner will make bloodshot eyes look whiter.
If you get a tooth knocked out, save the tooth in a glass of milk until you can visit a dentist. In the meantime, mix zinc oxide and clove oil into a white paste. Rinse the empty socket and pack it with the paste for a quick and easy filling.
For tear or perspiration stains on a pillow case dissolve five asprin in water and daub the stain until it's gone.
To remove lipstick from your collar, use white vinegar.
Even the smallest bits of a broken glass can be picked up with a slice of bread.
Skulls can be made extra white with the use of alternating hydrogen peroxide, bleach, and water baths. Just make sure not to leave the skull in the peroxide for to long as it might dissolve.
I know this because Tyler knows this.
You really shouldn't worry about anything.
Grendel Says:
To get bloodstains out of a fur coat, use cornmeal and brush the fur the wrong way. I'm assuming this works just as well on living furred animals as it does on dead furred animals.
To get blood off of piano keys polish them with talcum powder or powdered milk.
To get bloodstains out of wallpaper, put on a paste of cornstarch and cold water. This will also work well on couches and mattresses.
To hide bullet holes or holes made from other "devices" in drywall, use toothpaste. For large caliber bullet holes, use a paste of equal parts starch and salt.
To fix stab holes in nightgowns, tuxedos, and hats use clear nail polish on the inside of the puncture.
To make candles dripless, soak them in strong salt water. Candles are also easily lighted with a strand of raw spaghetti.
Green-tinted moisturizer will help hide red, slapped skin.
Keep a red washcloth handy for wiping up blood and you'll never have a stained cloth to worry about.
For ladies who have spent an inordinante amount of time crying. . . for whatever reason, blue or mauve eyeliner will make bloodshot eyes look whiter.
If you get a tooth knocked out, save the tooth in a glass of milk until you can visit a dentist. In the meantime, mix zinc oxide and clove oil into a white paste. Rinse the empty socket and pack it with the paste for a quick and easy filling.
For tear or perspiration stains on a pillow case dissolve five asprin in water and daub the stain until it's gone.
To remove lipstick from your collar, use white vinegar.
Even the smallest bits of a broken glass can be picked up with a slice of bread.
Skulls can be made extra white with the use of alternating hydrogen peroxide, bleach, and water baths. Just make sure not to leave the skull in the peroxide for to long as it might dissolve.
I know this because Tyler knows this.
You really shouldn't worry about anything.
the threesome gig always goes great. weve been doing it for six months now. its very delightful to be with both a guy and a girl...since i looove both!! hehe