Today I am feeling fat and sassy.
I am not a unique and precious snowflake.
This journal is not my property. I can't write what I really feel in here right now. I'm going to put pen to paper and let my emotions out there. There's something specifically satisfying about black ink flowing from a silver pen onto a white page.
Ha ha! This is funny. I was reading through some old entries in my trusty rusty Batman Journal, and this is what I wrote on April 21st 2002.
"By gods I love driving at night! No one around except the other crazies and the occasional porcupine. I like this journal, I've decided, precisely because it DOESN'T have an audience. This is me, these are my thoughts. The freedom in that is fantastic. I've been posting on a site called Suicde Girls. It often strikes me as an intelligence/wit contest. Fun for a little while, but I have difficulty being myself."
So folks, what do you think? Are you really yourself in your online journals? Do you give half a shit what other folks think when they read your words? What would we think of the *shudder* REAL YOU!?
Tune in next time when Rocky and Bullwinkle profess their undying love for all things pretzel.
end transmission.
I am not a unique and precious snowflake.
This journal is not my property. I can't write what I really feel in here right now. I'm going to put pen to paper and let my emotions out there. There's something specifically satisfying about black ink flowing from a silver pen onto a white page.
Ha ha! This is funny. I was reading through some old entries in my trusty rusty Batman Journal, and this is what I wrote on April 21st 2002.
"By gods I love driving at night! No one around except the other crazies and the occasional porcupine. I like this journal, I've decided, precisely because it DOESN'T have an audience. This is me, these are my thoughts. The freedom in that is fantastic. I've been posting on a site called Suicde Girls. It often strikes me as an intelligence/wit contest. Fun for a little while, but I have difficulty being myself."
So folks, what do you think? Are you really yourself in your online journals? Do you give half a shit what other folks think when they read your words? What would we think of the *shudder* REAL YOU!?
Tune in next time when Rocky and Bullwinkle profess their undying love for all things pretzel.
end transmission.