The SuicideGirls are strong, independent women who live life by their own rules and do not care what other people think of them. We know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that we are not everyones cup of tea. You can't please everyone, why should you care what some asshat in timbuktu thinks about you. You are a strong, confident SuicideGirl, fuck 'em.
The people who leave those kinds of comments are pathetic, and unfortunately by writing this thread you are giving them exactly what they wanted: a reaction. To censor an exchange is antithetical to the nature of the brand and the internet in general and will only warrant a bigger backlash. People who say assy things are 100% looking to stir things up, the best thing to do is ignore them. Let the rest of the people on the threads tell them what jerks they are, and they do, and stay out of it. Rise above instead of stooping to their level.
There will always be haters out there. It would be a Sisyphean task to try to remove all the comments, you will be drown in the backlash.
I do understand how upsetting reading negative comments can be, but honestly the best course is to not read the comments if they upset you.
The overwhelming majority are positive comments and for every one negative there are like 10 people saying what jerks they are and how beautiful the girls are.
You know you are beautiful and so do we.
Missy! Your words ring true! <3