The thing is, everyone has to be a critic, everyone thinks they know how to do it better.
Every Suicide girl is beautiful, and for some reason people like to demean that, they like to point out something wrong with a shot or a pose and then exploit it and say "SEE! SEE!" " THAT GIRL IS TOO UGLY TO BE A SUICIDE GIRL! " "I WOULD LOOK GREAT TOO WITH THAT MUCH MAKE UP ON"
Snarling, biting and jealous words.
While it's perfectly fine to be opinionated and outspoken, once you start spewing venom all I can say is SHUT THE FUCK UP! And let people be who they want, look the way they want, because you know damn well you'd hate it if someone exploited your flaws and cut you down so easily.
Constructive criticism is different, it helps people grow and become better at what they do, it helps people strive further, there is no grey area, It's pretty black and white, you either spew out hateful things or you give feedback in hopes of helping an individuals growth.
It's like my mom always said to me " RULE OF THUMPER!" if you don't have anything nice to say.. don't say anything at all!.
My real wish is to inspire people to keep an open mind and an open heart.
What you need to think of is how you would want other's to treat you. Would you want them to stab at you with gouging remarks?
I would take a sweet comment any day and I give them out just as much because I mean it.
<3 Thank you darlings for reading.
May I point out to everyone to check out the hopefuls everyday!
You can be sure they will leave you breathless. <3
Every Suicide girl is beautiful, and for some reason people like to demean that, they like to point out something wrong with a shot or a pose and then exploit it and say "SEE! SEE!" " THAT GIRL IS TOO UGLY TO BE A SUICIDE GIRL! " "I WOULD LOOK GREAT TOO WITH THAT MUCH MAKE UP ON"
Snarling, biting and jealous words.
While it's perfectly fine to be opinionated and outspoken, once you start spewing venom all I can say is SHUT THE FUCK UP! And let people be who they want, look the way they want, because you know damn well you'd hate it if someone exploited your flaws and cut you down so easily.
Constructive criticism is different, it helps people grow and become better at what they do, it helps people strive further, there is no grey area, It's pretty black and white, you either spew out hateful things or you give feedback in hopes of helping an individuals growth.
It's like my mom always said to me " RULE OF THUMPER!" if you don't have anything nice to say.. don't say anything at all!.
My real wish is to inspire people to keep an open mind and an open heart.
What you need to think of is how you would want other's to treat you. Would you want them to stab at you with gouging remarks?
I would take a sweet comment any day and I give them out just as much because I mean it.
<3 Thank you darlings for reading.
May I point out to everyone to check out the hopefuls everyday!
You can be sure they will leave you breathless. <3
Aw looks like you were looking at FB/Myspace comments, yeah... bitches be hatin' on what they don't understand or can't be apart of *rolleyes* Don't let it get you down, there's always going to be those haters.
haters are going to hate, it is how it has always been. Anytime you do something that is worth while, there will be someone there to trash it. Keep in mind, these people have not accomplished anything themselves. It is just a feeble attempt to to try to make themselves feel better about being irreverent. You can measure your success on how many naysayers you have. Just think about, for every shit head that spits venom, there are hundreds who silently love what you do.