
No more.
I gave too much.
You have an urinary infection too??? POOR THING! Lets cry together!
No, Im not peeing blod, but I peeed one time... Gosh it hurted like HELL! tongue
Wish you get well soon honney kiss
that photo is smokin baby
hit me up again! smile
I keep asking myself the same question over and over again. I don't have enough guts to go through with it.
hi there-- thanks for your compliments on my set a couple days ago smile

i hope whatever is going on with you in your life right now gets better for you kiss
could you be any cuter?
He gives me everything I need but I'm always wanting more. Is that bad? I know I get greedy sometimes.

He says what he means and I remain speechless.
Don't say you're sorry 'cause sorry means something is wrong.
just say poop cuz it's all right
Holy shit, Kiki's set is hawt.

I'm breaking down, people. Things are going to crash soon and I don't know who to hold on to.

Goldie, anyone?
I just got back from the Alexisonfire/Moneen/Hopesfall/Boys Night Out/Closet Monster show. I thought Moneen played the best, they're just so friggin' energetic every time I see them. At one point, while they were performing 'The Last Song I Will Ever Want To Sing', I wanted to cry. What a beautiful song. All in all, the show was faaaaaaaaaaantastic. But I reek from my own sweat...
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No regrets.

I've been up for 20 hours and I'm probably going to be kicking for another 12+. I forget what it's like to be tired.

Things are changing around here. I don't know if I like it or not.
ooo aaa
Maybe tonight will be different.
I want fireworks, I want the sky to explode for us.
He continues to haunt me in my dreams even though we stopped speaking to each other years ago.
It was a pleasant dream though. I just felt this huge sense of regret when I woke up. I never did want that relationship to end. Now I'm left with nothing.