I just got back from the Alexisonfire/Moneen/Hopesfall/Boys Night Out/Closet Monster show. I thought Moneen played the best, they're just so friggin' energetic every time I see them. At one point, while they were performing 'The Last Song I Will Ever Want To Sing', I wanted to cry. What a beautiful song. All in all, the show was faaaaaaaaaaantastic. But I reek from my own sweat...
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No regrets.

I've been up for 20 hours and I'm probably going to be kicking for another 12+. I forget what it's like to be tired.

Things are changing around here. I don't know if I like it or not.
ooo aaa
Maybe tonight will be different.
I want fireworks, I want the sky to explode for us.
He continues to haunt me in my dreams even though we stopped speaking to each other years ago.
It was a pleasant dream though. I just felt this huge sense of regret when I woke up. I never did want that relationship to end. Now I'm left with nothing.
My brother's only been gone for 2 days and I already miss him greatly.
I'm proud of the little bugger for getting into Waterloo Engineering but I wish he was still around so I can goof off with him and laugh until I piss my pants.