I'm so sick of this fucking country. Our constitution provides us every opportunity to elect who we choose and gives us a check and balance situation so that if we accidentally fuck up and elect a retard, he can't ruin the system on his own. I'm so sick of people complaining about Bush all the damn time. While he is admittedly a very poor choice for an ambassador since he seems to only care about his own self and not at all about anyone else, except maybe sweet zombie Jesus, he honestly wields no power at all without the backing of the senators and the congressman. All I ask is that people put a little bit of thought into who they want leading them. Look into who you are electing, and maybe once in a while choose a wildcard instead of just choosing who you think will have the best chance of beating whichever party you dislike. It's not about republicans and democrats, it's about who serves your best interests, and somehow that idea got lost along the way.
Well, fear not, dear Greg -- I tend to agree with you. However, we live in a sector of the country that holds very strong and liberal views so it's hard to even begin to defend positions such as ours. I'm a registered Democrat, hate G Dub like the rest of us and feel that he has pretty much wrecked many of the things that made this country good and special. However, the commonality I see living here in the northwest (versus Southern California where I lived for 20 years) is that people here tend to base political beliefs on FEELINGS and not always on facts. In the grand scheme of things, though, it's what makes America an interesting political climate. I never talk about politicis (I truly consider myself to be apolitical) but your comment struck a chord in me. You're not alone, darlin'. Keep up that independent thinking. It's what's going to save us over the long haul and not just for the next presidency.