My dad's 50th birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, so I'm wondering what I can give the awesomest guy ever on his b-day. As James probably knows, I was playing around a bit with buying him a crazy watch, but I'm not sure how much he will like it, so that idea is kinda out the door right now. I love my Dad a ton and want to buy him something special for his 50th, but I'm totally clueless. I wish I had enough money to buy him everything he's ever wanted and could never afford, but I'm not the richest guy ever. Oh well, I hope I figure it out.
so i took the springfield apart to clean it then have a bitch of a time putting it back together before i fucking realized the spring was back wards thats why it wasnt going in

and i think i found out why we couldnt hit any thing the gun is a .45 gap not a .45 acp