I went to Dante's Inferno tonight which was kind of a silly idea since I should have probably kept off of the sauce tonight. Anyways, the guy who was sitting next to me was a complete weirdo in my eyes. Everytime a girl walked by he would stare at her and say something stupid to me, which made me really question my own views on sexuality and the sexuality of men in general. Sometimes I think that I'm alone in the fact that I would much rather have a good heated debate with someone than put my penis in them. If you don't mind being nude in public than good for you . I'm glad that you're comfortable enough with yourself to be seen without clothes, but I really don't get aroused by it in the least. I don't care what you look like, if you can make me laugh you're golden. Don't get me wrong, I understand the sexual drive and our basic need to pass on our genetic code with the best stock available, but I really can't understand why intelligence is the last thing on most guys minds. I love women and I love to have sex, but I'd like to think that there is more to my existance than having sex or being with the hot girl. I'd like to reiterate my quote from earlier today, "Eheu fugaces labuntur anni", which is a quote from Quintus Horatius Flaccus that means "Alas our fleeting years slip by." Take that as you will, but I think life is too short to focus on shit like sex, and that you should spend your life being as good of a person as you can. That's my motto at least.
Well, I'm not gonna lie and say a nice body, a gorgeous pair of eyes, or a stunning smile won't get my attention. But yeah, it's really not worth the time if you're with a woman that cannot hold your attention with conversation.
You missed a good new years. Best party we've had since your going-away party. I made a drunken ass of myself, but nobody noticed because they were too busy doing the same. Good times were had by all. No strife, no drama, and no cops. Anyway, when you called I shouted something into the phone, but I don't remember what.