dun dun dun dut dutta da theres the football music right there .

I guess I really dont have much to say bok this bok is for nicolelee and her cock fight tattoo bok bok
Hiya! It's going pretty well, and you?
a aha ah Im gettin my new tattoo on feb.22 ah aha h I cant fucking wait !!! I keep dreaming about it and shit aha ah
mmoohaaa .
p.s. Im excited
she so totally is dude. you nailed it on the head. hah
I'm hot! Woo!

What are you getting a tattoo of?

kiss kiss kiss
I had to take out my lebret piercing cause the dentist showed me that I have so much gum missing due to it rubbing against it , that really sucks I had it for 8 yrs and I have a hard time letting go and I think it made me pretty smile
so now I have to go get something else done which I cant afford...
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I cant wait to see the stupid Pink Panther movie I used to love the old ones when I was a kid!!

Oh my freaken word every fucking band from Boston is requesting my friendship on myspace ( which I only joined to talk to one person ) I think theese bands just send request out to every local chic or something and there all...
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Hey lovely lady, thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set! Christina's evil sister... i like that a lot. wink you are a doll. kiss
lol, they woulda liked that better eh? haha

It's cool I made two cute new friends. Too bad one's not white (I don't dig anyone but white dudes) and the other is full on gay. Like, never-even-kissed-a-girl-gay. tongue
holy crap Im freezen my titts off over here ..fuck
I need a to get "the patch" for chocolate
and can I just say I still watch re-runs of americas funniest home videos ..and I laugh my ass off
the patch for chocolate..if you find one let me know.
I haven't talked to the girl since...She was too quiet, too timid...Not really my type!

She got disgusted when she learned that all the girls on the bus were bisexual and not full-blown lesbian. HA!

kiss kiss kiss
oh and Happy fridaythe13th and today marks the 5th month of me being married , xox,
the pictures of me are in the plus sized women group...
and i work at Regis hair salon... it's right across from legal seafood puke puke puke
and thats okay about the week in march i just wanted to keep you posted however all the retail that week is buy one get one 50% off so thats always good!!!
here is the number just call and book some time with me or ask to speak to me.
my hours are usually:
sundays: 11-7
tuesdays: 3-10
thursdays: 1-8
fridays: 3-10
saturdays: 3-10
a wash cut and blow dry is 30 bucks... just a wash and cut is 26.
i look forward to seeing you lady!
yet again heres another bad picture of me I fucking hate digital cameras.
I listen to Faith No More today and that stuff sounds just as good as it did when I was a kid , sometimes I play one of my old tapes and think what the ...this band sucks !!! Ive got alot of them on cd now and this one is so good ,I used to dream about Mike Patten all time, looks and a...
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no i'm still doing hair in the braintree plaza... come on in!! if you are wanting a color you should book an appointment for the week of march 13-19th it's customer appreciation ... so you get 20% off your color service which fucken rules!!!!! but let me know

and um get in line for Mike patton hun.... i've been waiting for years too... and i'm stil like #320,264. sigh... i love him

[Edited on Jan 12, 2006 8:56PM]
My friend Greg, the singer for Dillinger Escape Plan, he used to idoloize Patton. He sings nearly like him too. He's great. biggrin
I went o Maine this past weekend its was so pretty and country like ,we go there all the time ,and I think it would be nice to live there ...but then I picture myself going nuts like
" The Shinning" style ...did I spell that right ?
and another thing I dont want to go to a show for a long fucking time ,Ive...
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oh and it's The Shining. Not a good way to go nuts.
good call on the pain just being so close to your brain. I'd rather deal with double the cramps right now than this crap. argh!