Part TWO
Ok, so to stay true to my word I will continue my words from the heart about those people that make up my friends list....I am going in order so, If you see this at a time where I am past your name...just click back one.
And now...on with the love...
Brixton She is awesome and provided me with hours of chat fun when i first got out here to the Wisco....I meese her around here
cagedesire Beautiful inside and out...she fell in love with a boy from here and thus we dont see her as chicka wow wow
CaptTact He is a pretty awesome guy and i actually had the pleasure of hanging out with him for a few was great times!
catagogo Is a mystery to me but seeing as she lives right by where i am moving I am sure i will see her lots.
Cattra Is a total sweetheart and very fun to go exploring hidden wetlands in LA with. I can say with all honesty life is all an adventure when you are hanging out with Catt
CharlieLove just plain rocks! I was bummed that we didnt get to hang out before i moved. I am now very excited that i will be able too when i move back!
Churtch Look up the defintion of bad ass in the dictionary and it actually says "See Churtch". Truly awesome, great fun....and prolly has one of the best asses on the planet.
Coco I was lucky enough to spend lots of time hanging out with Coco in years past. She is always genuine and awesome and pretty much radiates cool. She seems to have an amazing life going for her and i couldnt be happier.
CodyW is pretty new to my friends list but i do enjoy reading his blogs
Coralee Though we have tried on many occasion to hang out never really happens...i blame her
but diespite all that. I love her dearly...maybe just maybe we can squeeze in a hang out before i go.
Cosette What can i a sucker for a girl who shares my love of the band Alabama. Though she may a lil obsessed with the University of Kentucky AHA!
Ok that concludes tonight's batch....much love and good night.
Ok, so to stay true to my word I will continue my words from the heart about those people that make up my friends list....I am going in order so, If you see this at a time where I am past your name...just click back one.
And now...on with the love...
Brixton She is awesome and provided me with hours of chat fun when i first got out here to the Wisco....I meese her around here
cagedesire Beautiful inside and out...she fell in love with a boy from here and thus we dont see her as chicka wow wow
CaptTact He is a pretty awesome guy and i actually had the pleasure of hanging out with him for a few was great times!
catagogo Is a mystery to me but seeing as she lives right by where i am moving I am sure i will see her lots.
Cattra Is a total sweetheart and very fun to go exploring hidden wetlands in LA with. I can say with all honesty life is all an adventure when you are hanging out with Catt
CharlieLove just plain rocks! I was bummed that we didnt get to hang out before i moved. I am now very excited that i will be able too when i move back!
Churtch Look up the defintion of bad ass in the dictionary and it actually says "See Churtch". Truly awesome, great fun....and prolly has one of the best asses on the planet.
Coco I was lucky enough to spend lots of time hanging out with Coco in years past. She is always genuine and awesome and pretty much radiates cool. She seems to have an amazing life going for her and i couldnt be happier.
CodyW is pretty new to my friends list but i do enjoy reading his blogs
Coralee Though we have tried on many occasion to hang out never really happens...i blame her
Cosette What can i a sucker for a girl who shares my love of the band Alabama. Though she may a lil obsessed with the University of Kentucky AHA!
Ok that concludes tonight's batch....much love and good night.
I'm a T! You're a T! We're both T's Trixie!
Soooo since you've been slackin and you have today off, does that mean you're gonna throw up 30 people today? Cuz I think you should, I think you owe them.