arg... i fucked up majorly with school for next somester. i am such a freaking stoner and i missed my registration date so now instead of taking Latin America studies and Canadian Politics i am in fucking college career and preperation courses which is basically three months of learnig how to do homework and get a job. they were the only course left...sad. ofcourse i am on the waiting list for the others so we'll see. keep yer fingers crossed for me, okay? i had to take a CCAP course last somester and it was as dull as doorknobs so if i hafta take three in one somester just to keep myself in scool i may in fact have to shoot myself.

worked on the set of "Battlestar Galactica" last night which sounded like it might be cool but it in fact sucked ass...the scene was supposed to be set as a sort of "futuristic" type market place that was outdoors but in outer space. but it just looked like Metrotown (which is the biggest, trendiest mall in vancouver) converted into a bazaar and everyone else on set looked like they had just walked out of the Gap or Banana Republic. this is supposed to be the future in outer space? very imaginative, hollywood. Bravo. If people are still peddeling the kind of crap that we were supposed to look like we were shopping around for in the future than shoot me now.

Battlestar Galactica - You would figure they'd actually have a budget. I mean, I see them advertise and everything. Maybe things will look different on the tele?