feeling a bit better today. i didn't get a chance to walk in the park like i wanted but when i was on the bus coming home from school, riding down Main st. with all those antique shops i saw the perfect present for my mom for mother's day in one of the windows... this big green iguana molded out of "wet sawdust" sculpted on a carved peirce of wood-my mom took care of the iguana we got together wen i was like-15-after i moved over here in vancouver. he died though, last year, she called me up and was like crying and everything-she got really attatched to him.
so i saw it in the window, and what i did was i got off the next stop and went in to the shop and the guy there said i looked like the iguana type and took like,80 bucks off the price. it was pretty big though- and when i got on the bus again the driver had this really fucked up look on his face but didn't say anything at first-then when i walked past he was like, "excuse me, ma'am, you can;t come on the bus with that, you'll have to get off." me: "er, um..." driver: "not unless you put that thing in a cage!" me: "er, it's not real."
driver: "not real?" me: "um, no...it's made of molded sawdust." he looked at me skeptically and then decided to let me stay on. boy, are people sketched out about things that look like lizards-i sure got alot of funny looks! like when i was 15 and took a likeing to wearing rubber snakes aroud my neck- people would like ask me to leave stores and restaurants and stuff. well, anyways, it made for an interesting thing to happen. but now i have to wait over a month to give it to my mom, and i'm already getting attatched to it!
I have a question: would it make a difference if we had something in common?