sunday morning, actually out of bed (step 1 achieved!) and having kind of a nice and somewhat creative kind of day so far, wrote out a few pages of nothing in particular and then played with my geetar for an hour or so. checked my grades on line (all b's again) and then thought i'd check out whats goin' down in the dirty part of town.
i've been a bit of a zombie lately, succombing to the spell here and there and feeling drained of motivation. basically i've been kind of forcing myself to go out to see bands and friends and whatnot, not really too often but i think it has helped me to not get too far into my own sad little headspace. been reeling from the loss of someone who i thought was a really good friend but turned out to totally not be, for the past couple of months. he really fucked me up pretty good and put a bit of a taint on my world for a while, but i am getting to the point where he is fading more and more out of cognitive rumination (finally thank gawd!)
my pets have helped alot
one week left of disembodying slackerdom and then it's back to school.
i am kinda scared , 'cause i have to take biology this somester and the hard sciences are not exactly my, whaddoyacallit, forte? but my other classes will be relatively much easier to deal with, so i'm thinking it'll even out.
mostly i have spent my break playing music, watching probably too much tv, keeping connections with friends and family that tend to get a little neglected when i have lots of schoolwork to do, intending to get alot more excercise and read alot more than i actually am, but getting some of that stuff done too nonetheless. i want to go on a bike ride.
i am starting to enjoy making chicken noises to the extent that i have been making them in public. not too conspicuously, but the slope is slipping.
it started out as just another noise i like to make, either by myself or to my cats or around people that know me the wellest, but it is now my favourite out of my animal noise repotoire (i think i'll work on an elephant one next) and it's getting harder to control the urge to bok bok when i am wandering about outside. i wonder what senility will be like?
keep on finding them silver linings,folks

i've been a bit of a zombie lately, succombing to the spell here and there and feeling drained of motivation. basically i've been kind of forcing myself to go out to see bands and friends and whatnot, not really too often but i think it has helped me to not get too far into my own sad little headspace. been reeling from the loss of someone who i thought was a really good friend but turned out to totally not be, for the past couple of months. he really fucked me up pretty good and put a bit of a taint on my world for a while, but i am getting to the point where he is fading more and more out of cognitive rumination (finally thank gawd!)

my pets have helped alot

one week left of disembodying slackerdom and then it's back to school.

mostly i have spent my break playing music, watching probably too much tv, keeping connections with friends and family that tend to get a little neglected when i have lots of schoolwork to do, intending to get alot more excercise and read alot more than i actually am, but getting some of that stuff done too nonetheless. i want to go on a bike ride.

keep on finding them silver linings,folks

i had to look that word up. all i came up with was:
ontology ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-tl-j)
The branch of metaphysics that deals with the nature of being
ontological ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nt-lj-kl)
Of or relating to ontology.
Of or relating to essence or the nature of being.
Of or relating to the argument for the existence of God holding that the existence of the concept of God entails the existence of God