are you there, suiicideworld? it's me, pug.
well, long time no *peep*
hmmm, it's tricky writing entries when i'm not accustomed to it, heh! i haven't been here in months and months, i don't even know if all my friends are still on here?? oh well, if i am talking to myself here i suppose that is nothing new anyways. And here, people don't look at me funny for it!
i guess it's been a bit of a hard-knock year so far for me, imean, it definately hasn't been totally horrible or completely unbearable or anything like that; but let's say consistently challenging from a varity of aspects. i won't get into too much detail or anything, i already have tendancy to babble on and i don't want this entry to go on for like, donkey's ears. (that's a saying my bigger sis the Bear has- like if she hasn't seen someone for a long time she'll be like-"oh, i haven't seen that guy in donkey's ears!" it's pretty adorable,
i guess it was like, way back in august judging by my last entry that i was here. well! i can tell you one thing, and i'm not complaining but i've been the brokest i have ever been in my life since that time! again, really, it hasn't been godawful and it's not saying much; i mean i grew up in a fairly materially comfortable middle-class suburban kind of home setting, and even when i am ass-empty broke i'm still living a pretty high standard compared with what, 4 billion other people in the world at least. but idid have my internet cutoff for awhile, and by the time i got it back hooked up my membership had run out and, well, i couldn't afford renewal so much. at which point life seemed to gain a more intense level of drama then i usually like, a little more emotionally difficult for awhile, i got pretty preoccupied just with school-'cause drama and intensity tend to mess with my ability to focus and i was worried i was gonna start flailing if invited too many more distractions. really, i hardly even really went "out" that much at all-well imean i went outside and fuctioned and all that, but i haven't been doing the whole going-out-on-the-town-thing.
but i did go out last nite
i got to go to the Tortoise show at the Commodore and man, was it awesome! those guys totally blew me away at many points of the set; the last time i saw them i was pretty drunk and this crazy and cute girl grabbed me from behind and told me to dance with her, and since virtually no one was dancing and i was pretty drunk i was like, alright dude! and we danced like mad little goofs by the corner of the stage. well, this time i was not too drunk and there were lots of cute people there but no one grabbed me to jump around with them
. so i did get to actually like, watch the band whch i also very much enjoy when i'm at a live show-and boy those guys are sure excellent instrumentalists. they all played at least two of the other instruments on stage, some of them could play all of them and they kept swiching around through the set-there was even two drummers- awesome!
later i watched this nature show on tv, mostly about hippopotomuses. they are hardcore!
did you know that a hippo produces like, 40 pounds of poop everyday?! the poop kind of just lines the bottom of the river and lots of little fish and snails and things feed on it, so do baby hippopottomuses. and there are these fish called Barbel fish or something, they prefer to go right to the source. seriously, these things eat right out of the hippo's ass. and i'm not talking about like, one or two barbels at a time-there'll be like 30 or so hovering around for a treat-even if the hippo runs off they just chase after em.' oh that mother nature, she sure is economical!
er, where was i, then? i think i have been babble-ing again. i should get some sleep no? look at some gals. sweet dreams, to all!
well, long time no *peep*
hmmm, it's tricky writing entries when i'm not accustomed to it, heh! i haven't been here in months and months, i don't even know if all my friends are still on here?? oh well, if i am talking to myself here i suppose that is nothing new anyways. And here, people don't look at me funny for it!

i guess it's been a bit of a hard-knock year so far for me, imean, it definately hasn't been totally horrible or completely unbearable or anything like that; but let's say consistently challenging from a varity of aspects. i won't get into too much detail or anything, i already have tendancy to babble on and i don't want this entry to go on for like, donkey's ears. (that's a saying my bigger sis the Bear has- like if she hasn't seen someone for a long time she'll be like-"oh, i haven't seen that guy in donkey's ears!" it's pretty adorable,

i guess it was like, way back in august judging by my last entry that i was here. well! i can tell you one thing, and i'm not complaining but i've been the brokest i have ever been in my life since that time! again, really, it hasn't been godawful and it's not saying much; i mean i grew up in a fairly materially comfortable middle-class suburban kind of home setting, and even when i am ass-empty broke i'm still living a pretty high standard compared with what, 4 billion other people in the world at least. but idid have my internet cutoff for awhile, and by the time i got it back hooked up my membership had run out and, well, i couldn't afford renewal so much. at which point life seemed to gain a more intense level of drama then i usually like, a little more emotionally difficult for awhile, i got pretty preoccupied just with school-'cause drama and intensity tend to mess with my ability to focus and i was worried i was gonna start flailing if invited too many more distractions. really, i hardly even really went "out" that much at all-well imean i went outside and fuctioned and all that, but i haven't been doing the whole going-out-on-the-town-thing.
but i did go out last nite

later i watched this nature show on tv, mostly about hippopotomuses. they are hardcore!

did you know that a hippo produces like, 40 pounds of poop everyday?! the poop kind of just lines the bottom of the river and lots of little fish and snails and things feed on it, so do baby hippopottomuses. and there are these fish called Barbel fish or something, they prefer to go right to the source. seriously, these things eat right out of the hippo's ass. and i'm not talking about like, one or two barbels at a time-there'll be like 30 or so hovering around for a treat-even if the hippo runs off they just chase after em.' oh that mother nature, she sure is economical!

er, where was i, then? i think i have been babble-ing again. i should get some sleep no? look at some gals. sweet dreams, to all!

pug is back!
pug is back!