greetings, suicidals...
i was just at the sonar last nite at the domakesaythink show and man, was that wicked-awesome! leepin' lemurs, did those guys rawk.
i was rigght at the front, right by the speaker and everything and had a perfect view of all NINE freaking musicians (the drummers, man, holy fuck!) everyone of them played at least 2 instruments each (not at the same time sillys
) everything from guitars to basses to bugle and trumpets flutes effects galore, and one of the saxaphone players was this older guy who was the father of the other saxaphone guys and he was havin a great ol time and saying thanks to us all for making an old guy feel young again.
it was all just so good. when the horns would really get going i felt like i was gonna either blast through the ceiling or spontaneously cumbust or something...
and boy i think i needed it too 'cause i have been feeling slightly nutty as of late
i really like my courses this somester but i have tons of stuff to study, which isn't bad but sometimes i have moments during the term, usually at around this point, actually, where it gets a little overwhelming, especially for those like me with reading comprehension deficiencies and stuff..nothing too bad, but it probably takes me quite alot longer to read anything then the average person you know? but whatever, its always been like that and now i just plow through it as much as i can no matter how long it takes. so let's see, i'm working on an essay on U.S. military intervention in South America, (using Nicargua & the Sandanista revolution as my case study) and an essay for canadian politics dealing w ith the question of whether or not canada should be more decentralised or centralised, arguments for both sides and of course, my own thaughts on the matter...and other than that i just have a whole bunch of stuff to read for the regular part of the classes, and sociology. it's all really good but gawd there's so much of it!
it's information overload, too, so like i find that sometimes i just have to like, i don't know, sit at the beach and just stare and comprehend. sometimes the stuff i;m studying will show up in my dreams too, like in my first somester i was taking world history 1939 to present and i would be reading this stuff and then going to sleep with this going through my head and i'd have these fucked up dreams where it was like happening and i'd wake up and be like oh my freaking god then go back asleep and forget the dream for the most part. holy crap, i've gone on for long enough! you'll have to forgive the ramblings i am delirious!!!

and boy i think i needed it too 'cause i have been feeling slightly nutty as of late

it's information overload, too, so like i find that sometimes i just have to like, i don't know, sit at the beach and just stare and comprehend. sometimes the stuff i;m studying will show up in my dreams too, like in my first somester i was taking world history 1939 to present and i would be reading this stuff and then going to sleep with this going through my head and i'd have these fucked up dreams where it was like happening and i'd wake up and be like oh my freaking god then go back asleep and forget the dream for the most part. holy crap, i've gone on for long enough! you'll have to forgive the ramblings i am delirious!!!

DO MAKE SAY THINK!!! Holy crap! I haven't heard them in years (prolly three, in fact)!!! Wow! Thanks for reminding me of a great band!